Kooky Loves to Travel

https://kookylovestotravel.com/ My name is Valentina and I was born and raised in Croatia. At the age of 18 I started my nomadic adventure – exploring the world as much as I can! Writing is one of my great passions. I have a travel blog: Kookylovestotravel.com. My blog is about adventures, exploring and discovering this planet. Special focus is on adventure travelling and positivity, enjoying the life to the fullest and being eternally happy. I am specialized in story telling and sharing my honest experiences with my readers, question everything and keeping my free spirit always fully alive. So far, I’ve traveled to 13 countries, thousand of cities and 4 seas. I’ve lived in 3 European countries, changed 40 apartments and houses, had over 100 roommates and met…a million people? I’ve reached into my own life to tell stories of my experiences and travels all followed by my own photos.

  • 11 Travel Guides